Mopigames Profile Picture

Hi! I'm Mopigames.

I'm a Developer, lesbian MtF transgender girl. My pronouns are She/Her. (see my!)

I use discord everyday, if you wanna contact me feel free :3 mopii.

I play Minecraft (mostly PvP), I like playing with my friends

I live in france, i'm basically bilingual french/english

I use arch btw (KDE, Hyprland)

Some useful links:

Solar Tweaks: Click here!

Solar Tweaks was a tool to add a bunch of quality of life mods to improve Lunar Client.

luna! me! alex! alyxia! gen! bnuy! paxi! kawaiizenbo

Click me to copy my button to add it to your website!

Contact me:

mail: [email protected]

github: Click here!

twitter: Click here!

twitch: Click here!

← very very mature button